Once you join a high ticket affiliate offer and generate your first few sales with it, it is highly recommended you look into creating your own “high ticket affiliate marketing system”. This system helps you scale your efforts within the program you are selling, and even helps your referrals succeed as well if set up correctly.
In this article, we’ll cover the steps you should build out to automate recruiting, making the sale, and growing your list all at the same time. Sounds good? Let’s dive right in!
Step 1: Welcome your team members
The first step is to welcome your team members in the affiliate marketing system members area. You’re going to show your team members how they can be successful in selling whatever you are selling. Do this by positioning yourself as an authority, show the results you’ve had with selling the product and explain HOW you did it. This will give your members confidence that they can do this too.
It is also very important that you have an easy way to reach your team members that join your high ticket affiliate marketing system. You can start a chat group via WhatsApp, via Telegram, or start a Facebook group for instance. Don’t forget to send them to that group while welcoming them into your system. If they temporarily lose interest, this point of contact is THE perfect way to get them engaged again!

Step 2: Persuade team members to join your main product
After welcoming members to your system, promote your affiliate product or products, and persuade your team members to join. You could, for example, record a video sales letter showing the viewer what the product you promote has to offer. If you don’t know how you should do that, watch the video sales letter of your affiliate product and use it as an example. Or grab the video and edit it by putting your own intro in front and an outro after it.
The latter is a great idea anyway, as your team members will see you and you can give them your personal reasons why they should join while getting to know you in the process!
Step 3: How to promote multiple income streams at once?
Most marketers join multiple products to have multiple streams of income. This spreads the risk of losing one or the other and most of them are needed to succeed online. For example, everyone needs a funnel to send traffic to, and an email system to follow up with those generated leads. With an affiliate marketing system, you can easily grow multiple streams of income at once completely automatically. Of course, it’s important to sell all products as naturally as possible and without cramming those through a member’s throat.
The trick for you as a marketer is to let people join and to sign up for the products you promote. A membership starts most of the time with a free membership or a dollar trial / low ticket monthly fee.
Because the company behind the product(s) you promote does the follow up and get people to their high ticket products, you will earn the commission on the high tickets too, without having to do any extra work. How cool is that!?

Step 4: Find a good converting Traffic Source
The key to letting your system members succeed is to lead them to a good converting traffic source and/or sources. You can also show them how they can find a good traffic course themselves. Ideally, you let them know what source you use per product or for all products together.
Just make sure to let them know what works for you and how they can duplicate your success!
Those three steps are vital to both your success, and that of the people you refer within your high ticket affiliate offer. Now, it’s time to pour this into a high ticket affiliate marketing system…
Building A High Ticket Affiliate Marketing System
It’s important to ask yourself how you can get the most out of building a high ticket affiliate marketing system, because you’re sharing your knowledge and resources with your team members. By pouring it into an automated system and funnel, where the funnel consists of a lead capture page, (simple) video sales letter, and full-fledged back office that introduces people into the system and offers that make them go through the steps we mentioned earlier.
We are selling software that offers exactly what you need to automate and grow your affiliate marketing business, but there are other ways of course. By following the above steps, and provide tools and training for your team members you can rock this and go for the high ticket affiliate marketing system!