Network marketing 101, if done right is key to succeed in network marketing. The problem is that most people fail because they don’t know what it takes to succeed. Here is a rundown of the best tips to help you be successful in this exciting business.
What Is Network Marketing 101?
Network marketing in itself is a marketing concept in which a company provides products and services to other companies with the expectation of receiving a commission. The business focuses on building an organized structure with a system of people who distribute products and services to those who are part of the network. People who are part of the structure are typically rewarded with commissions when they make sales or introduce new recruits to the company’s products or services.
The concept of network marketing has been around for over a century. In its simplest form, network marketing 101 is the process of selling a product or service, through a network of distributors. Like your personal network of friends and family, the network of distributors is what makes your business unique. Through your network, you can build relationships with people who could potentially be interested in your products or services.
How To Build Your Downline?
The old saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day” certainly holds true when it comes to creating a successful network marketing business. In fact, it will take several years of constant work by you and your downline to reach that point. Granted, some people will be able to build a successful business much more quickly, especially if they have a great sponsor, but for the vast majority of people, it will take years of hard work to reach the top.
There are many ways to build your downline, but none of them can beat the power of auto-pilot. With the right downline builder software, you can set up a fully automated downline building system that will do all the work for you. This is the way to build a downline that works around the clock, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Many people think that it is difficult to build your downline. It is not. You just have to do a few things and you are all set. Let us see what are these things. First of all, you have to start talking to people. Do not think that you have to do all the talking. Let your potential customers, know about your business. Just tell them what you stand for. Help them how they can change their lives.
How To Overcome The Fear Of Rejection
Rejection is a universal fear, but it’s one that can be overcome. It all starts with the right attitude. You can’t control whether or not someone will reject you, but you can control how you react to it. Realize that rejection is a natural part of life. Even the most confident people have been rejected; they just handled it better than you and kept going.
You’ve heard the saying, “The only way to overcome your fears is to face them.” That’s true with rejection. Here are some tips to overcome your fear of rejection, so you can move ahead with your life and your goals.
1. Accept that rejection is a part of life. It’s natural to fear rejection, but if you can accept that it’s part of the process, you can work through it.
2. Remember rejection is not about you. When someone rejects you, remember it’s not about you, it’s about them.
3. View rejection as an opportunity. Rejection can open up new opportunities for you.
4. Don’t take rejection personally.

The Art of Closing
How many times have you seen a hot prospect make it all the way to the end, only to watch him or her bail at the last minute? It’s enough to make you want to pull your hair out. We’ve all been there, as have most network marketers. Why are we so bad at closing? And why do many of us quit after a few tries?
The art of closing is a powerful tool in the armory of any successful network marketer. Being able to close a deal is the most important factor in building a successful network marketing business. There is no point in acquiring leads if you don’t know how to close. There is no point in building a list if you don’t know how to close.
There are many different ways to close a sale, and it may take you a while to figure out which methods work best for you, and which methods you are comfortable with. There is no point in closing a sale if you are uncomfortable with the way you are closing it, or if what you are saying makes you feel awkward.
How To Be A Better Network Marketer
There are a lot of network marketers out there. Many of them are making a decent living. But unfortunately, most of them are not doing nearly as well as they could be. Why? It’s because they are not taking the time to develop their skills. They are focusing too much on recruiting others to their business, rather than focusing on what it takes to be a better network marketer.
Have you ever considered becoming a network marketer? If you have, and if you are new to the profession, it’s very important to learn the ropes before you dive in. The most important thing you can do is find a good mentor to show you the ropes.
For starters, you don’t need to be a great salesperson. In fact, if you already know how to sell, it may be in your best interest not to pursue network marketing. You also need to know what it takes to be successful in this type of business; you will not get rich overnight, and it will take hard work and persistence to achieve your goals.
There is no doubt that network marketing can be a successful business model with the potential to provide a nice income, but it takes work. It takes more to be a successful network marketer than just being able to talk about a product. You have to commit yourself to make the changes to your life that will be required to be successful in network marketing 101.